Pasadena Humane Society has a state of the art shelter, located in Pasadena, with a large selection of pets for adoption. Pasadena Humane Society also offers training classes to assist with pet behavior.
Animal attacks: can be reported directly to the Pasadena Humane Society by calling 626-792-7151.
Animal cruelty or neglect: Both the Sierra Madre Police and Pasadena Humane Society investigate incidents of animal cruelty or neglect. Loud animals, including barking dogs, are normally reported to the Sierra Madre Police by calling the non-emergency number 626-355-1414.
Control and Leashing of Dogs: Persons owning or having control of a dog shall not cause, permit or allow the animal to run at large on any highway, property or premises, other than those enclosed by fencing or structures capable of confining the dog, unless the animal is restrained by a substantial chain or leash. This chain or leash shall not exceed 6 feet in length, and the dog must be under the control of a competent person.
Dog Park: Sierra Madre offers a dog park facility, located on the west side of Sierra Vista Park, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Injured, stray or lost animals: including canines, felines and wildlife, can be reported directly to the Pasadena Humane Society by calling 626-792-7151.
Ordinances: Sierra Madre also has ordinances regarding noisy animals, including dogs. It is unlawful for any person or firm to keep, maintain or permit on any parcel of land in the city under their control any animal or animals which by any sound shall disturb the peace and comfort of any neighborhood. Noisy animals can be reported to the police department by calling the non-emergency line 626-355-1414. We attempt to assist with cooperation between the animal owner and any neighbor concerned about unreasonable noise to avoid further action with the court system.