Take the guesswork out of Water Conservation!
Sign up for a free irrigation audit. The audit includes up to $1000 in free sprinkler system repairs and a new weather based timer. Find out how to sign up by clicking here.
In addition, the SGVCOG is offering free home energy audits. The audit will identify ways to conserve energy, gas and water inside your home. Sign up at this link: https://www.sgvcog.org/esgv
For additional tips on water conservation and rebates visit the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District website.
Why Conserve?
The City of Sierra Madre continues to meet our community’s water demands. However, a new state-wide drought emergency was declared in October 2021 and continues into 2022. Water conservation is a state-wide issue, and as such, the Governor has called on all Californians to reduce their water usage by 20%.
While our 2020 Urban Water Management Plan found that we can meet the City’s water demands to withstand five continuous years of drought conditions, conservation is the most efficient and least expensive means for our community to preserve our water supply in the long-term.
Click here for tips to reduce your water usage:
Save water in your home
Save water in your yard
Additional water-saving tips
Water savings at work
Water savings in multi-family dwellings
Other Resources:
California DWR Conservation Tips
Calscape – California Native Plant Society
Theodor Payne Foundation
EPA Watersense
1. Even-numbered addresses shall be limited to landscape irrigation on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
2. Odd-numbered addresses and addresses ending in fractions shall be limited to landscape irrigation on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

The following uses of water are prohibited for all water department customers, whether or not a conservation phase has been declared. Violations of this section are subject to administrative citation pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 1.18:
A. There shall be no washing of sidewalks, walkways, patios, driveways, or parking areas by a water hose;
B. No water shall be used to clean, fill or maintain levels in decorative fountains unless such water is part of a recycling system;
C. No restaurant, café, deli, or other public place where food is sold, served or offered for sale, shall serve drinking water to any customer unless expressly requested by the customer;
D. All customers of the water department shall repair leaks in a timely manner
E. No lawn, landscaping, or other turf area shall be watered or irrigated between the hours of six a.m. and six p.m. When a conservation phase has not been declared, the city will maintain two outdoor irrigation schedules. During Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) following the first Sunday of March through the first Sunday in November no lawn, landscaping, or other turf area shall be watered or irrigated between the hours of six a.m. and six p.m. During Pacific Standard Time following the first Sunday of November through the first Sunday in March no lawn, landscaping, or other turf area shall be watered or irrigated between the hours of eight a.m. and four p.m.
F. No lawn, landscape or turf area shall be watered in a wasteful manner. Nor shall any water be wasted if the existing conditions may be corrected or reasonably modified;
G. The use of a hose to wash an automobile, except where the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle or device attached to it that causes it to cease dispensing water immediately when not in use;
H. Watering lawns in a manner that causes runoff, or within forty-eight hours after measurable precipitation; and
I. Irrigating ornamental turf on public street medians.
Additional information is available on the City’s website, or by calling the City of Sierra Madre at (626) 355-7135. Please look for water conservation information in your future water bills, in the newspaper, on the City’s website, and through the City Newsletter, The Village View.